This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By AblokeNamedSue - 10/09/2017 18:23

Today I helped my brother move. I planned on coming out as gay to him for support when we were alone, only for him to pick up one of his friends for help, would've been great if his friend hadn't gone on a 5 hour rant on how gay people were the devil's minions on the car ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 101
You deserved it 10

Top comments

Chances are that if those are the beliefs that his friend has, that he shares them to some extent. Which could mean that said bigoted asshole ranting like a monkey on a typewriter could have saved you some heartache.


Chances are that if those are the beliefs that his friend has, that he shares them to some extent. Which could mean that said bigoted asshole ranting like a monkey on a typewriter could have saved you some heartache.